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The Truth about 2020 is Finally Surfacing

Most of you know that the third mesa county forensic report has been released but it’s hard to discern what it all means. Here’s a recap (and more helpful links below):

Clerk Peters has been persecuted by local elected officials, going as far as to invade her personal life with harassment and threats of “contempt”. Look into it more for yourself and share this email so others can see why they’re working so hard to silence those who fight for the truth.

Recorded Zoom Link Passcode: kGCf@C?3

Shawn Smith Video

Colorado Canvassing Report

Mesa County First Report

Mesa County Second Report

Mesa County Third Report

Steve Bannon on Rumble with Dr. Daugherty and Jeff O’Donnell

 Thank you all for your support and your prayers.

 Please go to to contribute to securing our elections!

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