For the Public: Saturday, February 19th – Election Integrity Hearing

For the Public: Saturday, February 19th – Election Integrity Hearing

Join elected officials and everyday citizens (including myself) in this historic event to discuss election integrity. THIS Saturday, February 19, 2022. Not only will this be an opportunity to voice concerns, but it will be...
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The Truth about 2020 is Finally Surfacing

The Truth about 2020 is Finally Surfacing

Most of you know that the third mesa county forensic report has been released but it’s hard to discern what it all means. Here’s a recap (and more helpful links below): Clerk Peters has been...
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Please Attend: Grand Junction Hosts Senatorial and Gubernatorial Candidate Debate

Please Attend: Grand Junction Hosts Senatorial and Gubernatorial Candidate Debate

Grand Junction Convention Center is going to be THE place to be this Monday, January 24th. Please attend so you can not only witness the high-caliber candidates we have running this year, but also so...
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Informed Dissent

Informed Dissent

America’s Informed Dissent Doctors, Jeff Barke and Mark McDonald have a half hour with America’s Mom, Sherronna Bishop. Learn just how oppressive a government can be in one of our 50 states when it comes...
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Are We in the land of the free?

Are We in the land of the free?

I’m a mother of 4, a Wife to 1 and a slave to NO ONE. There is only one King I bow to and He has given me a vision to save Colorado. When my...
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Cornerstone Christian Church Facing 5K in fines and 18 months in Jail Time

Cornerstone Christian Church Facing 5K in fines and 18 months in Jail Time

Pastor Jim Tarr of a nearby church, Cornerstone Christian Church in Basalt, CO, is facing serious scrutiny for allowing families that attend their church’s school to choose whether or not they want their kids to...
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Pastor Bob and Christians

Pastor Bob and Christians

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Colorado Revival Needed

Colorado Revival Needed

After almost TWO YEARS of Governor Polis and CDPHE overreach, Colorado needs a revival.
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Stand with Tina Peters!

Stand with Tina Peters!

Support the county clerk who heard her constituents and their valid concerns. Stand with Tina as she stands with us. Support Tina
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